Tuesday, June 24, 2008

More than just friends

Growing up my memories of lake powell include lots of hot sand, sun burns, and alot of fun. I'd hear people rave about how much they loved powell. I mean i enjoyed it, but wasn't quite ready for the "L" word. A fear of commitment may have played a part, but I slowly started realizing the twitterpatted powell lovers visited a different lake than my family and I. Their lake involved naps in an air conditioned house boat, taking a shower, and a rooftop to sleep on. My relationship with the lake was taken to another level this last trip when I found myself sitting on a couch watching game six of the nba finals on a flat screen tv that had nothing behind it but the sun setting on canyon walls and water. Oh how things suddenly changed when the hours goofing around on burning beaches were replaced with hours goofing around on wave runners. There might be something to this whole "houseboat" idea.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


When I was 10 I remember playing a game called hungry hungry hippos. Little marbles tried to escape the plastic jaws of pastel colored hippopotamuses. Aside from never having eaten a marble, comparing myself to our hungry hippos seems to fit. I can guess at the way food is viewed by most two legged people. It must be something like this,"Hey that looks like a delicious roast turkey meal, let us bring joy to our taste buds through partaking." I however relate more with our four legged friends. "Breathe, Turn, Smell Food, Aproach Food, Make food stop breathing, Eat food, Breathe..." Eating=Survival. Doesn't matter so much how it taste. If it will keep me going, I take no prisoners.